- 彼らが熱心に公民権を擁護していることに感服します.
i admire their zealous advocacy of civil rights 意味
- "i admire the nobility of her character" 意味
- "i admire the plan" 意味
- "i admire the skill with which he has handled a delicate theme" 意味
- "i admire the zeal with which you espouse the defendant's cause" 意味
- "i admire their spirit" 意味
- "i admire you greatly for your courage" 意味
- "i admire your familiarity with so many languages" 意味
- "i admire your persistence" 意味
- "i admire your pluck" 意味
- "i admire the zeal with which you espouse the defendant's cause" 意味
- "i admire their spirit" 意味
- "i admire you greatly for your courage" 意味
- "i admire your familiarity with so many languages" 意味